Infrared thermometry can be a real boon to help with engineering a sound thermal management solution for your system. Engineers often find temperature measurement advantages such as:
- Not having to disturb equipment when it’s in a test bed or in some other state
- Not having to make contact with the equipment being tested and thereby reducing the potential for damaging equipment that is fragile
- Being able to perform measurements on equipment that is not otherwise accessible.
Infrared thermometry cameras can cost from $2000 to $5000 each, so it’s wise to consider if you’ll want to buy one for your own lab, do a shared buy among a few firms and share the equipment, or outsource to a thermal engineering lab on an as need basis.
Here at Advanced Thermal Solutions, our engineers have put together a white paper on the fundamentals of how to perform infrared temperature measurement. You may down load your own copy from this link, “Fundamentals of Infrared Temperature Measurement: an ATS Thermal Labs White Paper“