Tag Archives: heat sink selection

“Heat Sink Selection Made Easy” Free Technical Webinar on June 13

PCB from Tellabs- smaller sige


Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. (ATS) will present Heat Sink Selection Made Easy, a free technical webinar for engineers involved in the thermal management of electronic components. The hour-long webinar begins at 2:00 ET on Thursday, June 13.

The heat dissipation needs of todays components are more challenging than ever. Choosing the right heat sink the first time is essential. With so many application requirements and heat sink options, this can be a daunting task, but it is made easier by having an informed approach.

In this webinar, attendees will learn the importance of system airflow and its impact on heat sink design; attachment methods and how to solve thermal and mechanical design challenges; and how to make the right off-the-shelf or custom heat sink choice for your application and budget.

Presenting Heat Sink Selection Made Easy is Dr. Kaveh Azar, president, CEO and founder of Advanced Thermal Solutions. Dr. Azar is an active participant in the electronics thermal community and has served as the organizer, general chair and the keynote speaker at national and international conferences sponsored by ASME, IEEE and AIAA.

How to View the June 13th Webinar:

  • The webinar starts at 2PM ET and will be available for 24 hours, until 2PM ET Friday the 14th.
  • ATS felt that this approach would help engineers in other time zones to be able to watch the webinar.

How to Ask Questions?

  • Today’s webinar speaker, Dr. Kaveh Azar, is happy to take your questions via email.
  • Please send email to ats-hq@qats.com and write in the email’s subject, “Heat Sink Selection Webinar Question”




ATS’ maxiFLOW Heat Sinks a Great Match with Altera’s Cyclone V

ATS’ new Heat Sink Selection Tool on www.qats.com allow engineers to match existing ATS heat sinks with specific applications from the top component manufacturers in the market.

Altera’s Cyclone® V FPGAs provide the industry’s lowest system cost and power, along with performance levels that make the device family ideal for differentiating your high-volume applications. You’ll get up to 40 percent lower total power compared with the previous generation, efficient logic integration capabilities, integrated transceiver variants, and SoC FPGA variants with an ARM®-based hard processor system (HPS).

Cyclone V (courtesy of Altera, http://www.altera.com/devices/fpga/cyclone-v-fpgas/cyv-index.jsp)

ATS has over 1,800 heat sinks that meet the specific application requirements of Altera. For example, the Altera Cyclone® V component part number 5CGXFC7D7F27C8NES has 17 cooling solutions, including ATS maxiFLOWTM high performance bga heat sink. maxiFLOWTM unique design provides thermal performance that is 30- 200% better than the conventional heat sinks. By combining maxiFLOWTM heat sinks with the Cyclone® V FPGAs, you can get the power, cost, and performance levels you need for high-volume applications including protocol bridging, motor control drives, broadcast video converter and capture cards, and handheld devices.

maxiFLOW heat sink results from the new Heat Sink Selection Tool

For mounting the heat sink to the pcb, these heat sinks are available with pre-assembled thermal interface materials and with the maxiGRIPTM heat sink attachment. maxiGRIPTM provides a steady, even pressure from the heat sink to the Cyclone® V with easy instillation and removal, eliminating the need to drill holes in the pcb.

Test out the new Heat Sink Selection Tool to view the full list of heat sinks specific to Altera components, along with the full list of component manufacturers that are compatible with ATS cooling solutions.

ATS Has a New Website!

In effort to make it easier for engineers to find heat sinks, instruments and other products for cooling hot electronics, ATS has redesigned Qats.com, focusing on improving usability in every aspect, from part searching to page navigation to uncluttered design.

Thousands of new heat sinks have been added, with easy to use heat sink selection tools. The ATS online ordering storefront, eShop, provides more specifications, and multiple parts can be viewed in grid or list form per user preference. The eShop check out process is redesigned for faster ordering.

Proper heat sink choices can be found using selection tools for specific component part number and manufacturers, such as Altera, Freescale, Intel, and Lattice. Solutions can also be found by heat sink type, such as cross cut, straight fin, or maxiFLOW or by the needed attachment method, such as maxiGRIP, superGRIP, Push Pin, or Thermal Tape. If the specific dimensions are needed to meet application requirements, heat sink dimensions including length,width and height can be sorted with ease. Thermal performance, schematic drawings, product images, datasheets, RoHS certificates are all included and updated in the new design as well.

Along with heat sinks, the new Qats.com simplifies scanning and comparing all ATS instrument lines for thermal management. These include wind tunnels, sensors and devices for measuring temperature and air velocity. All of the newest ATS instruments can be reviewed, including the newest devices for measuring air pressure and airflow in electronic enclosures.

New pages on Qats.com better show all ATS services for electronic device cooling, from thermal characterization to high volume manufacturing and rapid prototyping of parts.

Qats.com continues to feature the current issue of Qpedia, the thermal eMagazine published each month by ATS engineers. The new site offers fast access to all Qpedia technical articles published over the past six years, with an enhanced Qpedia search feature. The Qpedia Book Series, Volumes 1-4, can noq be purchased through Google, Amazon, and ATS’ eSHOP.

Finally, ATS added more FAQ tools to its product pages to help engineers better match their cooling needs with ATS thermal management products.

Engineers are invited to visit Qats.com and experience a website that matches the companys constant push for high quality innovations on behalf of their customers. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you. Contact us by phone at 781-769-2800 or email at ats-hq@qats.com.