Tag Archives: training

Announcing our ATS Electronics Cooling Webinars for Third Quarter of 2012

ATS, Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. will present technical webinars on electronic cooling topics in July, August and September 2012. Each of these free events will provide engineering-level training in a key area of modern thermal management.

Here are the different webinar topics and presentation times:

Using Thermal Interface Materials to Improve Heat Sink Thermal Performance

July 26, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. ET

To cool hotter components, engineers are using larger fans and heat sinks, and increasing surface areas. These hardware enhancements can add significantly to design costs. In many cases, cooling performance can be improved by using a higher performance interface material between the case and the heat sink. Participants will learn the importance of lowering thermal resistance using thermal interface materials, or TIMs, and the different kinds of TIMs available from the market.

Air Jet Impingement Cooling

August 23, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. ET

Ongoing increases in power in devices such as processors and IGBTs mean that higher capacity cooling methods are needed to remove excess heat. One such method is the jet impingement of a liquid or gas onto a surface on a continuous basis. Lab experiments at ATS have shown up to a 40% improvement in cooling achieved using this method. This webinar will explore jet impingement cooling theory, implementation and best practices.

LED Thermal Management in Commercial and Consumer Lighting Applications

September 27, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. ET

Excess heat directly affects both short-term and long-term LED performance. The short-term effects are color shift and reduced light output, while the long-term effect is accelerated lumen depreciation and thus shortened useful life. Participants will learn how to diagnose and solve thermal issues in consumer and commercial LED applications.

Each of these one-hour online tutorials will include detailed visuals, real world examples, instructions, definitions and references. Audience questions will be answered by the presenters during and after the presentation. One or more ATS PhD-level thermal engineers will be presenting live.

There is no cost to attend these ATS webinars, but virtual seating is limited. Registration is available online at http://www.qats.com, or by calling 1-781-949-2522.



When is a book on thermal management more useful than using the internet?

photo of qpedia book seriesWe consume a lot of information here in our labs at ATS.  From researching information, to documenting information, through finding suppliers we use the Internet a lot.  And who doesn’t? There are hundreds of millions of people who use the Internet everyday for a wide variety of tasks for work and personal use.

And yet, despite all the value and ease by which the Internet makes information finding easy, ATS has published a book series on thermal management. Why is that?

Well, we’ve got a few reasons as to why we did this and one request, which we’ll get to in a minute.

As for why ATS has published a three volume set (with more books in the waiting) on thermal engineering the answer is simple, convenience.ATS’s three volume book set is effectively a yearly anthology of the articles from our thermal engineering journal, QPedia. Putting all the articles in one place, in one book, for a given year’s QPedia gives our readers the ability to easily access a complete years worth of QPedia Thermal eMagazine reference articles in one space. When you are in a time crunch, wading through a sea of results on Google or Bing might lead you in the wrong direction, open a QPedia book instead and you are likely to find your answer faster and it will be from a technically competent source. Now to our request,

Take a look at our books , you’ll be glad you did. They are chalk full of authoritative and respected articles on thermal management. No junk science and no dead ends searching the net. To see our book series just click to the ATS Thermal eBook Site for a look

ATS announces free webinar: Methodologies for fan characterization and deployment within a system; 7/22 @ 2PM

Exponential increases in power dissipation are forcing engineers to rely more on cooling fans as the solution to their thermal management challenges. But fans are also common points of failure within a system. As the choice and use of cooling fans become critical to system functionality, knowledge of fan characterization is essential. Participants will be provided with solid methodologies for characterizing fans and deploying them within a system.

To join this free webinar, please register by visiting our web site at: Methodologies for Fan Characterization and Deployment within a System

Thermal Management in Medical Equipment: an ATS Webinar, 6/11 @ 2PM

ATS is holding a free webinar on thermal management in medical diagnostic equipment. This information packed webinar will cover such topics as:

  • How thermal management for medical diagnostic equipment differs from non-medical equipment
  • Key issues to consider in thermal management
  • Case studies

Taught by one of Senior Thermal Engineers, this free webinar is geared to equipping you with tips for success in designing your next thermal management system for medical diagnostic equipment.

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ATS Announces Free Webinar: Analytical, Computational and Experimental Thermal Analysis of a xTCA Chassis

ATS Announces Free Webinar: Analytical, Computational and Experimental Thermal Analysis of a xTCA Chassis on Thursday, May 27, 2010 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT

ATCA and MicroTCA are chassis standards geared to getting systems from telecomm, computing, military, medical and other companies to market faster and with lower cost. While the form factor, modularity and price point are attractive, thermal challenges can be magnified with the small form factors and interoperability challenges of a standard architecture. Attendees will be equipped with advanced, fast and accurate thermal design techniques that will help them efficiently use modeling and testing tools to determine device junction temperatures and speed time-to-market.

To register please visit our registration site here:
Analytical, Computational and Experimental Thermal Analysis of a xTCA Chassis